Saturday, 21 October 2017

Artistic, Cute & Amusing Photos of Dogs

Mans best friend makes for a great subject for your photographs, blah blah intro here – now lets look at some pictures of dogs!

Thanks to all the photographers who made their photos available under a creative commons license, make sure you click through for larger versions of the photos and check out the rest of their portfolios.

Nice guys

Nice guys by Sebastián-Dario

Olive’s First Bath

Olive’s First Bath by Brian Hathcock

We did it? Barack Obama won? Yay! Yes We Did!

We did it? Barack Obama won? Yay! Yes We Did! by Brian Hathcock


Puppy by Bogdan Suditu

group shot.

group shot.  by erban

Roscoe the Pug With Ice Bag On His Head- Miserable in the Seattle Heat

Roscoe the Pug With Ice Bag On His Head- Miserable in the Seattle Heat by zoomar

Sueñito / Sleeping puppy

Sueñito / Sleeping puppy by Sebastián-Dario


Retriever by maistora

anti botox brigade

anti botox brigade by emdot

Non svegliare il can che dorme – Let sleeping dogs lie

Non svegliare il can che dorme – Let sleeping dogs lie by pepe50

My little dog

My little dog by -=RoBeE=-

Good Morning, Dear Dog

Good Morning, Dear Dog by Helga Weber


0216 by Cia de Foto

Hey Bulldog

Hey Bulldog by Khánh Hmoong

I wanna be your dog

I wanna be your dog by e³°°°


Roar by Xanboozled

I love You Too Buddy

I love You Too Buddy by creative1the


Howl by CaptPiper


Untitled by jinwesst


The Golden Retriever Meditates on What it Means to be Cold, Loved and Warm

The Golden Retriever Meditates on What it Means to be Cold, Loved and Warm by Andrew Morrell Photography

.bad daY

.bad daY by 27147

Little One

Little One by Sukanto Debnath

give me a HUG !

give me a HUG ! by

Loki assists the gods, and sometimes causes problems for them.

Loki assists the gods, and sometimes causes problems for them. by MythicSeabass

the curious dog

the curious dog by onkel_wart (thomas lieser)

The post Artistic, Cute & Amusing Photos of Dogs appeared first on Photographic Blog.


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