Friday, 11 August 2017

25 Exciting & Unusual Lomography Style Photos

I love randomness and strange qualities of lomo-style photos but just what is Lomography ? Taken from the website ..

It began with a fateful encounter in the early 1990s, when two students in Vienna, Austria, stumbled upon the Lomo Kompakt Automat – a small, enigmatic Russian camera. Mindlessly taking shots from the hip, and sometimes looking through the viewfinder, they were astounded with the mindblowing photos that it produced – the colours were vibrant, with deep saturation and vignettes that framed the shot – it was nothing like they had seen before! Upon returning home, friends wanted their own Lomo LC-A, igniting a new style of artistic experimental photography that we now know as Lomography!

This roundup is the bext examples of Lomo photography from users on

Fire Chief

Fire Chief by darylfurr


Viv by kevin dooley


MONDELLOOO by _ankor

Main Street #12 – Logistics made simple

Main Street #12 – Logistics made simple by kevin dooley


Searching by kevin dooley


Aquaman!! by Alex Abian (Also on

Having the beach to themselves

Having the beach to themselves by kevin dooley

Sea of Sound

Sea of Sound by fensterbme


Fresher by Laura Mary



Photoname by Stitch


Breakin’ by Lomo-Cam

Night Steam

Night Steam by Lomo-Cam

Auntie on Race | Lomo LC-A+

Auntie on Race | Lomo LC-A+ by en-shahdi


Parasol by HKmPUA

rusty bug

rusty bug by FatMandy

Red Sands Sea Forts #1

Red Sands Sea Forts #1 by slimmer_jimmer

each time you’re not around

each time you’re not around by Pliketi Plok

tournez manège

tournez manège by stephanie ★

Half A Beatle

Half A Beatle by Jamie Mellor


Soma by Garuna bor-bor

Gastown Nighttime Lomography

Gastown Nighttime Lomography by kk+


Closed by slimmer_jimmer

C’est une Knockout pt. une

C’est une Knockout pt. une by Laura Mary

Uda zoragarri bat

Uda zoragarri bat by Garuna bor-bor



Ungreen by kevin dooley

The post 25 Exciting & Unusual Lomography Style Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.


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