Sunday, 7 May 2017

25 Stunning Examples of Symmetrical Photos

Symmetry can make for some stunning photos, no matter what kind of photography you practice, you can use it to bring a photo together. Find it in nature, architecture or a person’s face and it will improve a photo.

Symmetry generally conveys two primary meanings. The first is an imprecise sense of harmonious or aesthetically pleasing proportionality and balance; such that it reflects beauty or perfection. The second meaning is a precise and well-defined concept of balance or “patterned self-similarity” that can be demonstrated or proved according to the rules of a formal system: by geometry, through physics or otherwise.

In today’s roundup post I will be taking a look at some stunning photos which use symmetry …

late-night study in symmetry

late-night study in symmetry by [phil h]

♥ The Drongo Love ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥

♥ The Drongo Love ♥ Happy Valentine’s Day ♥ by VinothChandar

underground symmetry II

underground symmetry II by [phil h]

Old Men Swimming

Old Men Swimming by Jonathan Kos-Read

The Bullet – Lost in Beijing

The Bullet – Lost in Beijing by Sprengben [why not get a friend]

Milano Fashion Symmetry

Milano Fashion Symmetry by Sprengben [why not get a friend]


symmetry by MorBCN

My Most Treasured Gift

My Most Treasured Gift by -Gep-

Setting Sails In Berlin – Potsdamer Platz

Setting Sails In Berlin – Potsdamer Platz by Sprengben [why not get a friend]

Black Angels from a White Future

Black Angels from a White Future by Gilderic Photography

Let Me Fall Into the Dream of the Astronaut

Let Me Fall Into the Dream of the Astronaut by Thomas Hawk

the doors of perception

the doors of perception by Pierre Metivier

Plaza Redonda

Plaza Redonda by Toni Blay


Life by OiMax

Dark Coast

Dark Coast by nosha

Stonework of the Mughals – Humayun’s Tomb

Stonework of the Mughals – Humayun’s Tomb by Stuck in Customs

The Bridge of Putrajaya

The Bridge of Putrajaya by Stuck in Customs

The center… offcenter

The center… offcenter by LeRamz


tips by estherase

Lost In Structuration : A Question of Generation

Lost In Structuration : A Question of Generation by Gilderic Photography


hexocular by mugley

Lifelong Friend

Lifelong Friend by Wurzeltod

( \ / )

( \ / ) by wecand

Big X is fooling U

Big X is fooling U by Gilderic Photography


Transformative by Thomas Hawk

The post 25 Stunning Examples of Symmetrical Photos appeared first on Photographic Blog.


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