Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Stunning Photos of Landscapes and Animals in Northern Europe Captured by Danny Green

First Book

British photographer Danny Green’s first book ‘The Long Journey North’ contains some stunning photographs of forests, tundras and the frozen world of the arctic and sub-arctic regions of northern Europe.

Danny has now gathered all of these images together in a stunning self published 200-page coffee table book.

In the book’s introduction Danny explains that his ‘deep passion and fascination for the north’ began as an eight-year-old on a trip with his granddad.

He comments: ‘I clearly remember watching thousands of wading birds swirling around an estuary as the tide came in.

”The Long Journey North” by Danny Green is available on his website


Great Grey Owl: Finland

 Puffin: Scotland

Walruses: Norway

Arctic Tern: Norway

Aurora Borealis: Finland

Osprey: Norway

Muskox: Norway

Adult and baby Brown Bear: Finland

Lake in Godfloss in Iceland

King Eider Duck: Norway

Walrus: Norway

Deer: Britain

White tailed Sea Eagle: Norway

Glen Affric lake in Scotland

Kittiwakes: Norway

White tailed Sea Eagle: Norway

Whooper Swans: Iceland

Bullfinch: Norway

White tailed Sea Eagle: Norway

Snow encrusted trees: Finland

Walrus colony: Norway

Snow encrusted trees: Finland

Ruff: Norway

Source: dailymail.co.uk 

The post Stunning Photos of Landscapes and Animals in Northern Europe Captured by Danny Green appeared first on Photographic Blog.

source http://photographicblog.com/stunning-photos-of-landscapes-and-animals-in-northern-europe-captured-by-danny-green/

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