Monday, 19 December 2016

Photographer Bence Máté’s Stunning Wildlife Photographs

Award winning Hungarian photographer Bence Máté  has won awards for his wildlife photographs. Bence, also known as ”the invisible wildlife photographer” can spend days, weeks or even months quietly tucked away in a hide that he has carefully designed and built.

Bence attributes his success to ”acute planning and patience with a dash of good luck,I have crouched for hours, days, weeks, sometimes even months waiting for fortune to shine.” His efforts payed off in the end. They don’t call him “the invisible wildlife photographer” for nothing!

Female sparrowhawk (Accipiter nisus) bathing in water, Pusztaszer, Kiskunság National Park

Green / double-crested basilisk (Basiliscus plumifrons) running across water surface, Santa Rita, Costa Rica

A common cuckoo chick (Cuculus canorus) begging for food from a great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) foster parent, Puszta, Hungar

A red-eyed tree frog (Agalychnis callidryas) Santa Rita, Costa Rica

Dalmatian pelicans with open bills at Lake Kerkini, Greece. Highly Commended at 2011 Wildlife Photographer of the Year.

Dalmatian pelicans (Pelecanus crispus) mobbed by gulls, Danube Delta, Romania

Grey heron (Ardea cinerea) catching a fish in the Pripyat river, Belarus

Lightning across lake, with pelicans and other birds on Lake Csaj, Kiskunság National Park

European jay (Garrulus glandarius) bathing in water at the Kiskunság National Park, Pusztaszer, Hungary

Flock of long-tailed tits (Aegithalos caudatus) at water’s edge, with reflections, Pusztaszer, Kiskunság National Park

European roller (Coracias garrulus) close-up in flight, Pusztaszer, Kiskunság National Park

Male red-footed falcon (Falco vespertinus) offering small mammal prey to female at the Hortobágy National Park in Hungary

Two male blackbirds (Turdus merula) fighting at Kiskunság National Park

Juvenile white-tailed sea eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) grappling mid-flight in the Hortobágy National Park, Hungary

Dalmatian pelican (Pelecanus crispus) chick begging for food from adult, Danube Delta, Romania

Wildlife photographer Bence Mate on location in Hungary


The post Photographer Bence Máté’s Stunning Wildlife Photographs appeared first on Photographic Blog.


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