Tuesday, 31 July 2018

25 Exciting Action Photographs of Skateboarders

Skateboarding has always gone well with photography and videography as boarders want to show off what tricks they can do and learn from others at the same time – combined with the urban environment which is where skateboarding usually takes place, it makes for some great action shots. Today’s post is a roundup of 25 exciting shots released under a creative commons license.


Untitled by Maurese Polizio

Risky Business

Risky Business by gaspi *yg

Josh Varial Heel Skateboarding Sequence

Josh Varial Heel Skateboarding Sequence by dmourati

Chun 360 Flip @ Shenzhen Wave ledges

Chun 360 Flip @ Shenzhen Wave ledges by wZa HK

Sunset Ollie – Lee Ka Lung

Sunset Ollie – Lee Ka Lung by wZa HK

Tommaso Tournet – 360 flip (Explored)

Tommaso Tournet – 360 flip (Explored) by Hilali

Jonathan de Oliveira Switch Nose Slide en Portugalete

Jonathan de Oliveira Switch Nose Slide en Portugalete by soleir

BCN: skateboarder

BCN: skateboarder by gato-gato-gato

self centered

self centered by baboon™

Embarcadero Skating

Embarcadero Skating by Rev Dan Catt

Day One Hundred Eighty Six

Day One Hundred Eighty Six by Dustin Diaz


Untitled by alvelynalko

Rocket / Flip

Rocket / Flip by Andrés Navarro García

{ skate-test… }

{ skate-test… } by graphistolage

Skate Break

Skate Break by Jason L. Parks

Andrew Domville | Front Hurricane

Andrew Domville | Front Hurricane by Alex Papke


telefonica by @rild

Rodrigo Escobar flipfsboardslide

Rodrigo Escobar flipfsboardslide by Andrés Navarro García


Skadoosh! by Kevin Eddy

Speeding Up

Speeding Up by Fouquier

Marcos Medio Airwalk to fackie en Universidad Laboral (Gijón)

Marcos Medio Airwalk to fackie en Universidad Laboral (Gijón) by soleir

Free falling

Free falling by San Diego Shooter

Tyler Rullo | Pivot Fakie

Tyler Rullo | Pivot Fakie by Alex Papke


Stoichkov by soleir


Skater by aepoc

The post 25 Exciting Action Photographs of Skateboarders appeared first on Photographic Blog.

source http://photographicblog.com/25-exciting-action-photographs-of-skateboarders/

Monday, 30 July 2018

Some tips for taking photographs in the Summer

Long summer days

There must be more photographs taken in the summer than any other season. Today, more people own a camera of one sort or another than ever before; it maybe a digital slr, a modest compact or a mobile phone, and they’re all snapping away during those long, warm summer days, and it’s no wonder, there’s so many subjects to photograph. So with the right technique and a little thought before you press the shutter you could capture some really great images.

Image by Luis Hernandez

 The summer landscape.

Unlike winter, summer is filled with green landscape, colourful flowers and blue skies. As with all landscape photography you need to make use of the available light and there’s plenty of that in the summer months.

The time of the day can have a dramatic effect on your photograph; around midday the sun can be harsh for a landscape shot, but wait ’til the evening and the light becomes softer and warmer, especially nearer the ‘magic hour’; a chance to shoot sublime summer sunset perhaps?.

Image by HPUPhotogStudent


If you’re taking a picture of  someone, try getting in close with your camera. This lovely, well captured image below by  A Witt  is a good example.


Avoid having the sun behind your subject (unless your going for a silhouette shot) but if you have no choice then use a fill-in flash to lighten your subjects face.

A candid shot of someone can work well, with some people, having a camera pointing at them can make them feel self conscious- we’ve all seen those fake cheesy grins- so try photographing them when they’re not aware of the camera, or try photographing them from a distance using a telephoto or zoom lens; people will feel more relaxed when the camera is further away.


There’s no shortage of colour in the summer months, it can be found anywhere, from a field full of  sunflowers to the bright summer clothing seen in the town and city parks. Colour can add real impact to your photographs, so keep a look out for subjects containing bright, vivid or contrasting colours.


These brightly coloured crocs by lizjones112  makes  for an eye catching image.

A colourful field of sunflowers by Bert Kaufmann

Two colourful well managed shots by Laris Sa

This image above of  someone dozing in the shade by Linda Cronin, really captures a lazy summer day.

A tranquil summer sunset captured by kennymatic

This image of some cherries looks so good I can almost taste them, image by Linda Cronin

A good close-up of a sunflower. Image by hello-julie

And yet another lovely summer image by Linda Cronin, you know how to take a good shot Linda!

Just listen to the barley rustling in the breeze. Image by Simistef

A very atmospheric shot by PhillipC






Sunday, 29 July 2018

How to photograph silhouettes


When photographing subjects against a bright background, such as a sunset, you’d probably use your flash to help lighten your subject. But there are times when making your subject appear featureless, apart from the outline, will convey more mystery, drama and mood to your image, we’re talking silhouettes.

© A Webber

The image above was taken at sunset, by metering for the bright sky in the background the oak tree stands out  clear and sharp in silhouette.


When composing a photograph for a silhouette shot, you’re looking for crisp, sharp detail. Choose  subjects that will stand out with clear recognizable shapes, the subject matter could be anything: animals, birds, trees and plants, architecture and, of course, people. Try not to clutter your image with too many overlapping shapes as that could lead to a confusing image. If you’re photographing several people at once, try keeping each person separate and clearly outlined, and if you photograph them in profile, their features will be more distinct for a more recognizable shot.

© A Webber

The image above shows two walkers on the beach. I hadn’t planned for them to be in silhouette, I just wanted some foreground interest, but as the sea and sky was very bright, that’s exactly how they came out; in silhouette.

 No flash

If you’re shooting in auto mode, your cameras flash may pop-up, so make sure you switch it off, otherwise it will just defeat the objective; you want a bright background with your subject lit from behind.

© A Webber

In the image above the Para glider was disappearing into the sunset; a good chance to snap him in silhouette.

Light reading

Depending on what camera you have, take a meter reading from the bright background by pressing your shutter down halfway then recompose your shot on your subject and press the shutter down all the way, this should make your subject under exposed and appear in silhouette, but, the problem is, if you shoot in auto mode your camera may find it difficult to focus properly on a dark shape, to remedy this either use a high f/stop (small aperture)  to increase your depth of field; this will help to keep the foreground and background sharp, or, focus using manual mode.

A great image above by  Public Domain Photos  of someone standing in profile against a sunset.

Here’s some more striking images of silhouettes:


A simple but striking shot of a ”methane pipeline” by Kaibara87

Another great silhouette by keepwaddling1

This silhouette of some Cranes in flight is awesome, Image by me’nthedogs

Another great shot from me’nthedogs

No mistaking these little critters, love this shot. Image by Chris Samuel

A perfectly captured silhouette of  the Arizona state fair  by Kevin Dooley

Taken in Cincinnati- Spring grove cemetary & Arboretum of a swan in silhouette. Image by David Paul Ohmer

A perfect example of  ‘less is more’ Image by Kansasphoto

No mistaking what this guy’s doing- a clearly outlined silhouette such as this one tells the whole story. Image by Mike Baird

Another perfect example of a silhouette. Image by JD Photography

Stunning shot of a Curlew in silhouette. Image by Mike Baird




