Monday, 30 April 2018

Realistic Photo Manipulations By Erik Johansson

If you own a digital camera the chances are that you have manipulated your photos by using some kind of editing software. Maybe your photo was a little over exposed and just needed a little ‘burning’, or perhaps some cropping to cut out that lamp-post that’s spoiling an otherwise nice pic.

Just like anything else, using editing software such as Photoshop is a skill that is learned over time. But there is someone who has taken photo manipulation to a new level. His name is Erik Johansson.

Although his work has been around for a little while there are still many who haven’t heard of him.

‘Erik Johansson, has been taking the blogosphere by storm by producing heavily manipulated photographs which invert aesthetics as we understand them, inspired by MC Escher and surrealist artists.

Now aged 27, he has already been bombarded with offers of work following a wave of interest from blogs and design magazines after he published his innovative photographic work on his website.

Instead of shying away, as some photographers do, from revealing the intense levels of Photoshop work done on the images he produces, Johansson is proud of the technique he has developed and says it is “somehow different from other kinds of art”.

He has developed a specialist design technique that tricks the eye and the brain. His work is humorous and playful, but can also be quite hard-hitting and political.’

Visit: for an interview with Erik.

For more of his images visit his website:


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Sunday, 29 April 2018

Awesome Photographs of Famous Cities At Night

There’s many beautiful cities and towns around the world and they can look even more stunning at night.

To capture a city or town at night may not be as difficult as you first think. You will need a good vantage point, the right weather for the type of shot you want and of course a camera. If you’re looking to take good, crisp, blur-free photos then you are going to need a tripod too.

Some of these awesome photographs below may inspire you to grab your camera and take a few shots of your city or town at night.

Cape Town South Africa by Jakob Wagner

Dusseldorf, Germany by Jakob Wagner

‘Moscow at night’ by akk_rus

‘Dubai at night’ by Dominic Scaglioni

New York by Jakob Wagner

‘Perth City at night’ by Robert Whitehead

Boston by ReneS

New York USA by Jakob Wagner

‘Santiago’ by @panchowatkins

Valparaiso at night by Steve A Johnson

Dubai UAE by Jakob Wagner

Tower Bridge, London UK by Duncan

Cape Town, South Africa by Jakob Wagner

Sheffield, UK by Sheffied Tiger

Kuala Lumpur by trevphotos

Kiev Ukraine by Mourner

New York, USA by Jakob Wagner

Seattle, Washington, USA by Wonderlane

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Saturday, 28 April 2018

Breathtaking ‘Landscape Photographer Of The Year’ Winners

The images below are just some of the stunning images that have been compiled in a new book; Landscape Photographer Of The Year: Collection 6, which offers a magical tour around the British Isles through the viewfinders of some of the best landscape photographers in the world.

‘Take a view’, the Landscape Photographer of the Year competition, is the brainchild of Charlie Waite, one of today’s most respected landscape photographers. Together with AA Publishing, he created these prestigious awards for the best images of the British Isles.

The competition is open to entrants from all over the world, with an eight-week exhibition at the National Theatre. This book showcases the best pictures from amateur and professional photographers alike, from the sixth annual competition. Following publication, Take a View announced that the overall winner of the Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards 2012, David Byrne, had been disqualified due to the extent of the digital manipulation techniques used in his images.

The book was prepared by the publisher long before the winners were announced to the public and therefore the current version of the hardback book on sale contains the former winning image by David Byrne, while the newly announced winning image ‘Condemned’ by Simon Butterfield appears on page 127 of the current version of the book. The revised results of the other categories are as follows: Classic view winner – Simon Park ‘The Wave’, p32; Classic view runner-up – Craig Denford, ‘Beech Trees, pp40-41; Urban view winner – Bill Terrance ‘Light Rain in Edinburgh’, p128; Urban view runner-up – Giles McGarry, ‘Inauguration’, p133”


The winning image by Simon Butterworth after the disqualification of David Byrne’s Image (see bottom of page)

‘Derbyshire in the snow’ by Ian Lewry

This is Britain winner and living the view commendation: ‘Big Ben and lovers’ by Kayode Okeyode

‘Rainbow’ by David Mould

Young photographer of the year winner: ‘Man in fog’ by Stephen Colbrook

‘Bluebell dawn’ by Louis Neville

Heather management: A man burns heather on the North Yorkshire Moors.

A misty morning beside Loch Awe with views to Kilchurn Castle, Argyll & Bute in Scotland.

Classic view winner ‘Delamere Forest’ by David Byrne

Classic view runner-up ‘The Wave’ by Simon Park

The Summer Milky Way: An amazing array of stars in the sky above Selsey Bill, West Sussex

Floating in the clouds: The North Harris Hills in Scotland almost appear to be above the clouds in this image

Above the controversial photo of Lindisfarne castle where the photographer who won the prestigious prize has been stripped of his title and the £10,000 prize money – because of his use of Photoshop.

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Friday, 27 April 2018

25 Excellent Examples of Modern Architecture Photography

Photos of buildings can make for some really impressive visuals – there are so many different types and features you can home in on. If this style of photography interests you, take a look at our guide to shooting buildings. In today’s post we’re going to focus on modern architecture with a roundup of 25 great examples.

wishbone spiral

wishbone spiral by paul bica

Spiderman at work (in Liège Guillemins)

Spiderman at work (in Liège Guillemins) by Gilderic Photography

Lines, Squares & Rectangles

Lines, Squares & Rectangles by VinothChandar


Hypnosis by Thomas Hawk

Something Old Something New

Something Old Something New by Ian Sane

Dome of the Reichstag building

Dome of the Reichstag building by alles-schlumpf

Marsa Alam nocturne

Marsa Alam nocturne by Andrea Costa Photography

vanishing point

vanishing point by paul bica

Chevron Tower, Houston, TX

Chevron Tower, Houston, TX by DaveWilsonPhotography

Bajo un cielo de cemento y acero // Under a cement & steel sky

Bajo un cielo de cemento y acero // Under a cement & steel sky by Todo-Juanjo

I Can Gather All the News I Need on the Weather Report

I Can Gather All the News I Need on the Weather Report by Thomas Hawk

Mirror In The Sky II

Mirror In The Sky II by peasap

Our Love Will Burn

Our Love Will Burn by Thomas Hawk

Skyscraper abstract

Skyscraper abstract by dachalan


Curvy by m4r00n3d

now you see it… now you don’t

now you see it… now you don’t by [phil h]

The Chinese Mothership

The Chinese Mothership by Stuck in Customs

Quotes 34 / 60

Quotes 34 / 60 by B.Romain

From Within [Explored]

From Within [Explored] by Brian Koprowski

Lean Into Me

Lean Into Me by Thomas Hawk

arne jacobsen, central steel staircase, rødovre town hall, 1952-1956

arne jacobsen, central steel staircase, rødovre town hall, 1952-1956 by seier+seier

Soiled Country

Soiled Country by Recovering Sick Soul

Museo Guggenheim

Museo Guggenheim by mx2-foto

Calatrava architecture (Explore)

Calatrava architecture (Explore) by Bert Kaufmann

Green Bottle (Explore Frontpage)

Green Bottle (Explore Frontpage) by Bert Kaufmann

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